

Since the beginning of the construction of the first Areas of the future Waste Water Treatment Plant, which began in May last year, the works are being carried out according to the Working Plan.

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The Design envisages that the capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will be 526 liters per second, as well as that over 40 Areas will be built on this Site. The Design documentation stipulates that the Plant operates for minimum 90 thousand population equivalent. The current construction rate of the Areas is 60%. For the time being, 11 Areas are under construction, while 4 have already been built.

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The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will permanently solve the problem of wastewater treatment. After the treatment at the WWTP , purified water will be discharged into the recipient of the river West Morava. The Design envisages that the quality of purified wastewater meets the standards required by the Regulation on Limit Values of Emissions of Pollutants in Water and the Deadlines for their Completion, as well as the European Council Directive on Wastewater Treatment (Counsil Directive 91/271 / EC).

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The value of the Plant is 14 million euros, while the total value of the Project is 24 million euros. Funds are provided from a loan from KfW Bank of Germany, which has a repayment period of 12 years. The investment is carried out with the supervision of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure. Of the total loan amount, 95% of the funds are returned by the Government of Serbia, and the rest by the PUC "Vodovod - Krusevac".

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