
Laboratory (for watermeters)

Within the PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" since the 1960s, there has been water meters service, which deals with replacement of water meters on the network, as well as regular replacement of water meters within the legal deadline.

PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" has 29,000 water meters in its network. Since 2014, there has also been an authorized accredited laboratory for water meter checking that fully meets the needs of the serviced water meters of PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac", and for the third parties as well.

Laboratory for testing and repair of water meters in PUC "Vodovod-Kruševac" is able to service water meters with diameter from DN 13mm to DN 40mm. The laboratory is able to perform service replacement of industrial water meters with diameter from DN 50mm to DN 150mm.

Note: The service of the received water meters is performed immediately upon receipt, namely, the user is given a replacement with an adequate stamped water meter.

Price list (only available in Serbian): PRICE LIST

Contact us

Phone: 037 415-301
Fax: 037 415-314

Address: Dušanova 46,
37000 Kruševac

E-mail: info@vodovodks.co.rs